- A is for Alpha, N is for November, P is for Papa, V is for Victor...one needs to know the Military Alpha-Bravo, I mean, Alphabet. Why? Because no-one will be able to spell your (new) *mutually hyphenated* last name in the Army without using it and you will look like a tool if you can't do the same. Here's a hot tip. Get on Netflix.com TM or Hulu.com TM and watch The Dollhouse. All the Dolls have call-signs in the Military Alphabet; NOVEMBER sex plots + Joss Whedon = LEARNING! Or download this Militaryspot.com article on the formula and history of the Military Alphabet to your Smart House touch-screen wall and have it follow you around reciting itself. Whichever works for you.
- Crest 3D Whitestrips TM really work. And no, I'm not a corporate whore. Drink water- in fact, start the day with a giant travel cup of Jasmine Green tea (steeped 10-12 minutes). Exfoliate often but be gentle with your skin. Find a moisturizer you love and use it EVERY night on your face and neck. Or as often as you can manage. Moisturizing your face at night is important to the future of the planet... or at the very least, the ability to have male clerks in most stores within 10 miles of Post goggle and look visibly shocked when they find out you're 10 years older than 23. With no make-up on. Wear confidence instead of make-up, do push-ups when you're feeling down, and when you need an ego-boost go out on the town with no bra in a t-shirt and watch the strangers drool with lust and envy.
Now whose scared of walking down an aisle in front of people who already love you? Damn right, nobody. You're welcome. - Consider getting married before your wedding. We did a poll and 97% of all military couples we spoke to were legally married before they had a wedding. Now for full disclosure that's a sample size of 3 plus a >3% margin of error. So yeah, we all did it. Not a one of us planned to have two wedding "dates"...and where Bravo thinks of her wedding date as her anniversary, Kilo thinks of the marriage date as the anniversary. One of us is in the closet about it. Why? Because families are strange. Oh, why did we get married before we got married? Simple.
Continued after the jump »
Friday, November 29, 2013
Top 10 Things Every Army-Bride-to-Be Ought to Know...and Why
Thankful For...
- Tricare Healthcare. A single-payer system without which my hubby and I would be closer to certain bankruptcy and painful, unmedicated death.
- Army Wifeys. My bestest friends in this journey of exercise, activism, coconut oil butter, wedding madness, and military life. I :heart: yous mucho mucho much.
- Gas insert fireplaces and ready-made cookie dough. You're luxuries I neither fundementally need nor like to think ideologically about where you're sourced, but in winter I love you just the same.
- Strong arms, a steady heart-beat, and a full head of hair (even if it is cut wayyy too short). I love you, man-friend, and you're totally worth (most of) it.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Restless Ass Syndrome: Road Trip Edition
Wednesday Workout!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Fashion Police at the Commissary?
So I married an Army guy...and now I'm not allowed to wear this (sassy little outfit below) while I grocery shop on post!
Image from Lingeriediva.com |
Apparently the big shots at Schofield Barracks in Oahu are sick and tired of inappropriately dressed soldiers and civilians running around in "mismatched attire, using Army type combat uniforms with civilian clothes", as Lt. Teddy Agullana told Hawaii News Now.
The dress code prohibits clothing sheer enough to reveal undergarments, sagging pants, swimwear worn places other than the pool. No word anywhere about white sneakers with jeans.
In August of this year, SpouseBuzz covered a dress code debate following this policy memo appearing on buildings throughout the Ft. Irwin post in California. Predictably, some spouses feel that the dress code is the latest in a series of infringements on their personal freedoms, and others are grateful that the standards are being enforced or upheld.
I'm confused by the degree of outrage over the dress code and the way it is being enforced. I mean, there are so many other rules for off-duty soldiers and spouses on post, and most people seem to take them in stride. Where's all the rancor over the ban on PDA in uniform, or talking on a cell phone while walking? Also, the standards in the dress code are similar to many public places; you're really not supposed to wear pajamas in public. Anywhere.
Initially I was firmly in the pro-dress code camp. Since the entire post is our partners' workplace, it follows that "come as you are" doesn't apply. When
What if he worked at a corporate law firm? Well, I probably wouldn't wear my "Wax Bush 2004" tee shirt to meet him for lunch there, either. So the rules didn't bother me- at first. In fact I didn't think they went far enough- how about those extra-large tee shirts with cartoon characters on them...worn by adults?
Then I read a comment about how "appropriate" can be subjective and how tank tops and ripped jeans are wardrobe staples for many of us- especially on those Commissary days. And I thought that if GI Echo were Echo, Esq., I might wear a slogan tee shirt to meet him for lunch (maybe not that one, though), and I would definitely wear my nose ring. That thing is a bitch to take out, after all. My point is, standards do change and if they banned all facial piercings, I'd definitely have a problem with that.
Meanwhile, I do have a problem with anyone dressing inappropriately in public, and I agree that the military should have its own (higher) standards for apparel on Post- at least in terms of the coverage, tightness, and... um, thickness of clothing. It is not hard to find instances of informal or unwritten rules for spouses' appearance, anyway.
Are the dress codes fair? Do you follow them? Check out the link below for the full scoop.
HONOLULU: Fashion police cracks down at Hawaii Army base - Weird News - MiamiHerald.com
Monday, November 25, 2013
A Spouse Speaks
Military Ovation: A Spouse Speaks: An open letter to the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs
Sunday, November 24, 2013
The Unemployment Line
I'm assuming you work, MilSpousers. I'm assuming you also have hit the unemployment section of the daily paper more than once since getting your fancy MilDependent ID. So what's the first thing you do when the paychecks stop flowing?
In December I will cross that burning bridge and if you've got tips on handling unemployment in an organized and graceful manner, please tell me!
How do you deflect the soul-crushing hit to your self-esteem?
Best techniques on keeping a wild-caught salmon and arborrio rice pantry with zero cash (oh, and did you hear about the Department of Defense fact-finding mission on closing all Commisaries)?
Budgeting tricks for ensuring BAH, rent and/or mortgage/s, car payments, utilities, and student loans all line up?
Hit me up. As a MilNewbie, I could use advice.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Scandals, Handled: ScareForce Academy
Speaking of jobs, have you considered becoming a heterosexual confidence expert? Apparently, such a background can get you a sweet gig at the Air Force Academy, who employs Mike Rosebush to oversee the Character and Leadership coaching program, for which participation is mandatory for all cadets.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Prepared for Shabbat, Roger THAT.
As with most of my professional women friends who have taken care of ourselves since university, I like to keep my house a certain way. Usually fairly clean and pretty neat. And yet, there are some spaces in this house that have been assigned to the "please pay someone to decontaminate this before the funeral in the event of my untimely death" list. I hate cleaning them. No excuse or justification. The microwave is one of those spaces.
So early this morning I took the radical step of blowing up 1.5 Tablespoons of Earth Balance TM in the microwave. Which supplied the motivational "OMFG, if I don't clean this with everything I've got..."- the location of the microwave means this statement includes a dining room chair and an extendo-arm and the fluid, melting-down-the-wall trickle of the Earth Balance TM indicated the Formula 409 Spray Cleaner TM- "...everything that henceforth enters into this space for the nuking will come out on fire/smoking/blackened/VERY unpleasant. THIS WILL NOT BE! :scrub scrub scrub scrub:
I have no idea what Earth Balance TM would look like if left undisturbed on the wall, ceiling, and rotating glass tray bottom of the microwave for the next 6 months but I determined that now was not the time for scientific inquiry.
For all you Army Jews out there, DH and I tested this Bread Machine Challah recipe from Allrecipes.com with success.*
*The key tip is to melt the margarine, or let's just call it Earth Balance TM, before you put it in the bread machine. Tip provided by a Helpful Reviewer. Thanks, Helpful Reviewer!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Working on Thanksgiving
"there are many like it, but this one is mine." photo credit: adam peck via ThinkProgress |
* Black Friday is so-called because retailers run in the financial red (at a deficit) for the whole year and then get back in the financial black (making their yearly profit margin) thanks to the bump in purchases that marks the beginning of the open Christmas season shopping.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
The Wrong Kind of Military Wife
I look for progressive military spouse blogs all the time. Hello out there! Where are you folks? Today I came across Walking on my Hands, and the writer, Pamela, is definitely my new best friend. A realistic portrait of a military spouse, plus yoga- what's not to like?
Married to the Military is her post about mainstream culture's depiction of military wives, and her sense of rage-turned-guilt over being "the wrong kind of military wife." That resonated with me, as did her report of her husband's reaction to another ridiculous "inspirational" essay she had shown him.
"I don't really see the problem...she is helping him do his job better." he said.
Pamela goes on into the spiritual realm from there, which I'll leave for another conversation.
Let's talk about this reaction to supposedly inspirational stories about military spouses who drink the kool-aid, and then get all sanctimonious about their sacrifice and patriotism and so on. I can definitely relate to Pamela's experience of anger that melts into inadequacy, and I was wondering how common that is. I'm also curious about the one-sidedness and homogeneity of the image of the military wife. It seems pervasive- as if there are no such thing as partners who are ambivalent about the military lifestyle or their spouse's career choice. Reading stories and poems about the Soldier's Wife or Military Families that in no way apply to me or many people I know is demoralizing. I wish they would qualify the term "Military Spouse" somehow- maybe "Conservative Ideal Military Spouse" or "Spouses with Convenient Attitudes".
There are just too many of us to sum up into a poem designed to be printed in a flowery font and hung up on a bathroom wall or reposted on Facebook. Maybe it is just that simple?
Friday, November 15, 2013
A Homemaking Website that Doesn't Suck
Actually, a quick look around my house rings a bell. There are backpacks from our epic hiking trips and well-used workout gear from feeling the burn on a daily basis. There are the pets we fostered...and kept, and the cooking gadgets I used every night for project dinner. There are books. And then...there's torn wallpaper, way too many paint chips, stacks of bricks (yes), a bunch of noun-verb combos like tape measure, stud finder, and room divider.
Oh yeah. We were fixing up our old ass house like the time lapse montage in movies. I'm supposed to have a kerchief over my hair and he's supposed to be hauling something. We're both supposed to be laughing.
Before the wedding, we were fixing up our old ass house and we kind of stopped doing that in favor of planning our wedding. That shit takes a long time, let me tell you. Even if you're not uptight. Both the DI-Why and the wedding.
Anyhow, for the first time since we moved in a long time ago I noticed that we have no curtains, but we do have nosy neighbors. Kind of like I do not sew but I do have a pinterest page. So on day two of funemployment I hit google and hit it hard, looking for some trick to get out of sewing or purchasing curtains. And I found this! Please don't ask why, but I decided to show my husband. I was excited. About curtains.
"Oh for Christ's sake. Offbeat HOME?! We have this now?" he asked. He shook his head and explained, I thought we were done with all that Offbeat Bride shit, ugh, I can't believe there's more.
You probably had to be there, but it was hilarious and it was the first time I realized that he was aware of Offbeat Bride. I guess that's not surprising- OBB got me through a gnarly year of wedding industrial complex crap that seemed orchestrated to turn me and my friends into greedy teenage fake gender conforming princesses. Offbeat Bride was a refreshing, even comforting corner of the internet that suggests that it is in fact possible to have a wedding without losing your savings, your sanity, your tattoos, your feminist outlook, or your piercings. I did need some guidance for the wedding planning process and there really wasn't a whole lot of useful stuff in 31 Things You Don't Know About Bridal Manicure Trends-type publications. That crap has a way of messing with your mind with the suggestion that being engaged means you have to stop being Daria and turn into Quinn.
Considering that my husband's career has us living in a much more conservative community than I would have believed existed- before moving here- that access to "alternative" culture was especially important. If I still lived in Blue State Metropolitan Area, I probably wouldn't need that- my tattooed and pierced and vegan and genderqueer friends would have provided the validation I needed after dealing with wedding industrial vendors- but I don't, so I did.
Anyhow, after our wedding and during our home-making, I still need guidance because, among other things, I have no fucking clue how to make curtains. (No, buying them is not an option. Leave me alone.) So I found OffBeat Home and I love it there. I'll get back to you about the curtains.
Where awesome lives | Offbeat Home
What do you think, folks? How's your home-making going, and what's been helping?
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Transcript of a Job Search
Because I'm pretty sure I'm a g*ddamn professional here.
Let me be clear- I did not "follow" my dude to this place. I walked in as a partner on my own two feet. He moved back to Post and I networked my way into an interview and then pulled together a consulting gig and a fellowship to pay the rent. It worked well for a year. And now this cobbled together system, mostly due to some tight-wad Congressional shenanigans, is coming to an end.
Job Search Take Two Commences!
Hello! Married to the Military? Unable to easily access your established professional or business networks because you are a) living in a place where everyone leaves (and is happy about that fact), b) are nowhere near your alma mater or a thriving industry sector you are qualified to work in, c) unable to relocate to/back to a major hub or another urban center that would allow you to earn a real salary? YES, YOU! WELCOME to my job search.
Yes, now I really feel like a MILSPOUSE. Damn it, I hate job hunting. Doing this twice in the space of 12 months is very unpleasant.
In times like this it's good to have a friend like Echo.
Echo: How are you?
Me: Chillin'. I've decided work is for the birds.
Echo: In other words, you want to co-host a seminar on single-income households at the Army Kool-Aid Distribution Center? I have HAD it with our fellow Army spouses who subject themselves to predatory fake MLM businesses so they can drive gas guzzlers and have extra guest bedrooms.
F**k that consumerist propoganda bullshit. Cut some coupons and sit-out the consumerist Agenda!
Me: ...laughs my *** off.
I guess sitting here on my couch isn't really a vocational option, after all. But who am I kidding- if we were relying on DH's salary we'd be evicted, starve, and then hounded to death by creditors. ~Bravo

Sunday, November 3, 2013
Lesson #1, weddings are difficult to plan, they operate in reality and not fantasy-land, and standing in front of people you love holding hands with the specific person you love is an amazing rush.
Lesson #2, our spouses are truly partners (and yet operate better with a mandatory item packing list for clothes and sundries).
Lesson #3, life is better when you do it your way- and we did it our way.
Kinda like these people: